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Present tense of Luxembourgish verbs.

Indikativ Präsens vun de lëtzebuergesche Verben (lëtzebuergesch Versioun vun dëser Säit)
Download Luxverbes1 desktop application (Windows 64bit) Download Luxverbes1 source code (Lazarus/Free Pascal)

Description: This application generates exercises concerning the present tense (Indikativ Präsens) conjugation of Luxembourgish verbs. The verbs for the exercise questions are taken from a list of 400 words, including irregular verbs, verbs with "métaphonèse" and verbs with special conjugation due to the Luxembourgish spelling rules. Some of the verbs are pronominal, other have a removable or irremovable prefix. Note, that evaluation is done as is usual at school in Luxembourg, i.e. by giving marks with a maximum of 60 (maximum may be changed to 100 = percentage in the Astellungen menu).
The program may also be used to display the present tense of Luxembourgish verbs. If this is all ok for the 400 verbs known by the application (those in the list), there is no guarantee that the conjugation displayed for other verbs is actually correct. Please, have a look at the program's help text for details.

Improvements/Extensions: Giving more choices, what kind of exercises to do. Improving the conjugation of verbs by enlarging the list of known verbs, improving prefix and verb base detection, considering prefix-combinations. Using color to highlight irregularities and special conjugation.

Free Pascal features: Using an InputBox control to get data from user. Filling a string grid. Reading data from an INI file. Reading a text file (classic Pascal).


Luxembourgish verbs: Present tense conjugation exercise
Luxembourgish verbs: Present tense conjugation table

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