Computing: Free Pascal Programming

First degree complex equations in 1 variable.

Download equcplx console program (Windows 64bit) Download equcplx source code (Lazarus/Free Pascal)

Description: The program solves linear equations in one variable for variable and equation coefficients being complex numbers. The user has to enter the coefficients (format: x+yi) and the program calculates the unique solution for z, if it exists. Otherwise, it indicates if the equation has an infinity or no solution at all. Equations are considered to have the format: m1(a1z + b1) = m2(a2z + b2). This allows to resolve exercises that use coefficient multipliers, without having to do the multiplication manually. After the solution has been displayed, hit the Esc key to terminate the program, any other key to continue with the next equation.

Free Pascal features: Working with complex numbers: complex number input, formatted output, calculations, using the UComplex unit (incl. with the source download archive).


Solving first degree complex equations

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