Computing: Free Pascal Programming

Poker game for 1 player.

Download SoloPoker desktop application (Windows 64bit) Download SoloPoker source code (Lazarus/Free Pascal)

Description: "SoloPoker" is a Poker game for one player. You can play from 1 to 5 hands each turn, and make individual bets on each of them. The total bet equals the sum of all bets made and is subtracted from your balance; the total payout equals the sum of all payouts made for the different winning hands and is added to your balance. When you can't make bets anymore (balance = 0), the game is normally over.

Free Pascal features: Loading images from files as needed. Showing and hiding controls. Handling onClick events. Generation of controls during runtime. Using shapes to highlight given controls.


Poker game for 1 player

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