Computing: Free Pascal Programming

Simple LAN messaging client-server application.

Download LANMsg desktop application (Windows 64bit) Download LANMsg source code (Lazarus/Free Pascal)

Description: LANMsg is a very simple networking application that, on a local TCP/IP network, allows to send messages from one computer to another. The messaging system is implemented as client-server application, i.e. the different computers (clients) connect to one specific machine (the server). If they send a message (to another client identified by its IP address), the message is actually send to the server, which then relays it to the other client.
LANMsg is a very simple application, that was never really intended to be available as download here. In fact, it's the final client and server examples of my tutorial Introduction to network programming using Lazarus/Free Pascal. As there seems to be a rather great interest in the source code, and as the samples actually are fully functional applications, I decided to place source and executables together with my other applications.

Improvements/Extensions: Have a look at the tutorial mentioned above for suggestions how to transform the programs into "real" messaging applications...

Free Pascal features: Lazarus network programming, Lazarus client-server applications, Lazarus TCP/IP applications. Usage of the lNET package, usage of the TLTCPComponent class. Connecting to a server application, sending data between a client and a server application.


Simple LAN messaging application: Server
Simple LAN messaging application: Client

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