Computing: Free Pascal Programming

Nomenclature of ionic compounds.

Download IonicCompounds desktop application (Windows 64bit) Download IonicCompounds source code (Lazarus/Free Pascal)

Description: Mineral chemistry trainer (exercise generator), concerning the nomenclature of ionic compounds. From lists with 25 anions, resp. 30 cations, the application builds an ionic compound. The exercise consists in either finding the name of the compound given by its chemical formula, or finding the chemical formula for a compound given by its name.
Concerning the compounds generated and their names, please, have a look at the readme.txt file, included with the download archive (you can also view this file by choosing "Help" from the application's "Help" menu.

Free Pascal features: Re-arranging form elements during runtime. Showing/hiding form elements as needed. Applying subscripts. Complex data structures (classic Pascal).


Free chemistry PC application: Nomenclature of ionic compounds exercises

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