What's new? |
2025.01.08 | Security |
New help text available: Windows 11 Security warning that memory integrity is turned off.
2024.12.12 | Security |
New security related help text available: Avast Antivirus warning about tracking cookies. |
2024.11.11 | System |
New help text available: Avast Antivirus warning that drivers are outdated. Should we update them?
2024.09.02 | System |
New help text available: May we delete the Dell SARemediation folder or its content? |
2024.07.28 | System |
New tutorial available: Deleting temporary files on Windows 10. |
2024.07.03 | Home/Office |
New tutorial available: Searching a directory for given files or file content (using the freeware application
GrepWin). |
2024.05.02 | System |
Update of my help text Dell G3 laptops and Windows 10 problems: Added a paragraphe concerning
Plugging in headphones is only detected after having rebooted the system. Not providing a solution to the problem, but showing a
work-around that spares you to have to restart the system. |
2024.04.15 | System |
New tutorial available: Manually updating a Dell G3 laptop (only possibility, if Dell
Support Assistent fails and automatic online update does not work). |
2024.04.09 | System |
Update of my help text Dell G3 laptops and Windows 10 problems: Added a paragraphe concerning
Dell Support Assistant failing to start/failing to update. Not providing a real solution to the problem, but showing how
to proceed to update the drivers online on the Dell website. |
2024.02.20 | System |
New help text available: Removing files and folders in Windows 11 Quick Access. |
2024.01.22 | System |
New help text available: Removing files and folders in Windows 10 Quick Access. |
2024.01.09 | System |
New help text available: Removing Recent Files in Windows 11 Start menu. |